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Dr. Simantini Nayak

CSIR-Institute of Materials & Minerals Technology (CSIR-IMMT)
Materials Chemistry Department (MCD)
Acharya Bihar, Bhubaneswar 751013

Assistant Professor
Academy of Scientific and Innovation Research (AcSIR)
     +91 674-2379158 (Office), +91 674-2379201 (Lab)

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Our research at CSIR-IMMT mainly focuses towards


  • development of novel nanostructured and 2D heterostructured materials for hydrogen and ammonia production, carbon dioxide capture and utilization, energy generation and storage and fuel cell applications.


  • electrocatalytic applications and understanding of various surface reactions (e.g. hydrogen evolution reaction, oxygen reduction, carbon dioxide reduction, methanol oxidation etc.)


  • reaction mechanisms at electrode/electrolyte interface by using electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques.

Open positions/ Oppurtunities​​​


  • Informal enquiries from interested candidates regarding possible research positions (PA /JRF/ SRF/ PhD) & Research Associate/ Postdoc positions in the group are always welcome. PhD from students with their own fellowship (CSIR-NET, UGC-NET, INSPIRE etc.) will be desirable. Please email with your CV to Dr. Simantini Nayak.


  • Internship/ MSc Dissertation: MSc dissertation students who can arrange their own accommodation can email me with their CV for consideration. Internship and dissertation form for CSIR-IMMT can be downloaded from the website.


Financial support

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CSIR- Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology
Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751013

Designed & maintained by Simantini

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